Your skin is the largest organ of your body. How it looks and feels can tell you a lot about your overall health. Many times chronic diseases and conditions can manifest themsleves in our skin as a warning sign that something's wrong internally. Creams and other topical solutions can help keep skin clear, moisturized, and youthful however nourishment needs to start on the inside!
Want truly fabulous skin? Here are a few tips:
GO TO BED: When you get enough sleep (that good, deep, quality sleep) the body releases hormones that repair, restore and rejuvenate cells. These hormones are typically relased during deep sleep at the end of your sleep cycle. Sleep less than 7 hours and you short change yourself of these wonder working hormones.
DRINK WATER: Drinking enough water helps shuttle toxins out of the body, and bring nutrients into the cells of the body. The result is skin that looks clear, plump and more radiant.
GET MOVING: Ever heard of exerciser's glow? Well the phenomenon does exist (I can attest to that). Exercise improves circualtion. Increased blood flow to the skin means that all the nutrients from the food you eat and the water you drink can work their magic.
EAT THE RAINBOW: Fruits and vegetables that is. Anti-oxidants are what give fruits and veggies their bright color. Eating these foods will help fight against cell damage (oxidation) which can lead to wrinkles, age spots etc.
HEALTHY FATS ARE KEY: Think Omega 3's from things like fish, almonds, ground flax seed and olive oil. These foods reduce inflammation, help skin retain its moisture and give it that youthful glow.
So there you have it! Just a few tips for a more RADIANT you! Stop using expensive ointments, creams and make-up that only mask the warning signals that your skin is sending you! Save your money and live well!
Check out this link for more information on diet and healthy skin...