Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Cleanse!

Its the day after Thanksgiving. How are you feeling? The average person consumed 4,500 calories yesterday. That's more than twice the amount you need in an ENTIRE DAY. Its also equal to about a 1.5 lbs. on the scale! YIKES!

If you are trying NOT to gain weight (too late, lol) or even lose weight, here are a few tips to help you stay on track and survive the Holidays...

  • DRINK WATER! This sounds counter-intuitive but when you eat a high sodium meal like most of us did yesterday your body retains fluid. When you give your body extra fluid it will flush out the excess.

  • PUT THE TURKEY SANDWICH DOWN! Do Not Eat Left Overs....(as this will just pile on the calories. INSTEAD, see if you can find someone who is in need this season or a local shelter and donate your leftovers.)

  • EXERCISE: Take advantage of your black friday shopping and walk as much as you can in the mall. Try not to park too close to the entrance of the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator. Get together with some friends and take an exercise class this weekend. Just move more than you normally do!

  • EAT WATER-LOGGED FOODS: These foods in particular are natural diuretics: Cabbage, Carrots, Cucumbers, Lettuce,Oats, Tomatoes (also aids in metabolism), Watermelon. Try a vegetarian diet for the day. No meat or dairy.

  • HERBAL TEA: which contains caffeiene which is a diuretic.

  • NOW GET BACK ON TRACK...Get back to your regularly scheduled routine. Remember Christmas and New Years are right around the corner so eat clean until then and you'll fell better about treating yourself when the time comes.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't just survive this winter, THRIVE!

Afternoon All!
This has certainly been a dreary start to the work week. It certainly made it hard for me to get out of bed.
Anyway, how 'bout that glorious weather we had this weekend!?! There was just something about that cool, crisp, autumn air mixed with the warm sunshine that really felt great! Unfortunately weekends like that one will soon come to an end (at least until next year). As winter approaches, most us will be spending most of our time in-doors. When activity levels decrease and our metabolism increases due to cold weather it sets us up for things like weight gain, depression,  and illness. (yeah I know, yippie)

The great news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to not only survive the winter, but THRIVE!

1. Eat a balanced diet.
You hear me say this all the time. However, it is particularly important in the winter time to eat foods high in vitamins C, D, E and essential fatty acids. These nutrients will help with everything from immunty, healthy/hydrated skin to strong bones and improved circulation.. Foods like nuts, seeds, fatty fish, citrus fruits, squash, broccoli, milk, fortified cereals and eggs will help you get these nutrients.

 2. Drink water.
You may be thinking that its only important to stay hydrated in the summer but the cold winter air can dry you out. (Hello ashy knees and elbows, lol). Also, when you breathe in cold dry air your body warms it and adds mositure to it, causing you  to lose fluid with each breath you take. Water keeps your body in perfect harmony- flushing out toxins, balancing hormone function and even metabolism. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it protects you from the outside world, so take care of it!

3. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is so vital to your health. This is the time your body needs to restore, repair and rejuvenate itself. The average adult only gets about 6 hours of sleep according the National Sleep Foundation. Adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep. If you're not getting enough sleep the Sleep Foundation recommends the following:
  • Establish consistent sleep and wake schedules, even on weekends

  • Create a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or listening to soothing music – begin an hour or more before the time you expect to fall asleep

  • Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool

  • Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex (keep "sleep stealers" out of the bedroom – kids (I added that, hehe), avoid watching TV, using a computer or reading in bed)

  • Finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol products close to bedtime and give up smoking

    4. Take a multivitamin

  •  Remember this is to SUPPLLEMENT your healthy diet ensuring that you get all vitamins and minerals you need daily.

    5. Exercise
    Resist the temptation to hibernate during the winter. Find enjoyable outdoor activities to participate in – the workout will be beneficial as will be the exposure to fresh air and sunlight (which gives you some natural vitamin D by the way). If exercsing outdoors is not an option, consider joining a gym or getting together with a group of friends for an exericse class (e.g., pilates, yoga, zumba, spinning, etc.)

    Stay Well!

    Monday, November 8, 2010

    Eating Healthy on a Budget

    So the word for today is BUDGET! Most of us are looking for ways to cut expenses but if you're like me you DON'T want to sacrifice quality and nutrition.  Well guess what? don't have to. Just CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE because I want to share with you some healthy tips from my favorite doc! :-)

    While you're there, visit this link  
    The Deen brothers have outlined a week's worth of heatlhy dishes all for under $1 per serving! What I love about these recipes is that they're all 500 calories or less and take about 30 minutes to make.  You'll also notice that all the recipes are familiar to most of us but they have been 'made over' so that they fit into a healthy lifestyle!  I will be trying the Turkey Black Bean burger and Zucchini fries recipe. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

    Happy Shopping !

    Stay Well


    Tuesday, November 2, 2010


    Morning All!

    Today is election day! I trust that all of you will exercise your constitutional right to vote! There were many who suffered great atrocities so that people like you and I could vote(and it wasn't that long ago!). It is up to YOU to be the change you want to see in the world. It's up to YOU to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem!

    With that said, did you know there's another campaign going on everyday in your local supermarket??? There are all sorts of manufacturers/brands/companies all competing for your hard-earned dollars. Everytime you go to the store to make a purchase, you are voting! You are telling the food industry exactly what products YOU want as a cosnumer. ITS THE CONSUMER that drives the food industry. WE dictate what is in demand, NOT THEM. For those of us who desire real food at affordable prices, our voice is being heard! More and more now I am seeing things like organic fruits/veggies/dairy, flaxseed, raw sugar, whole wheat products w/o HFCS, 100% juices w/o HFCS, and MANY other UNPROCESSED foods at affordable price points. I see healthier alternatives now at Walmart and Target. But it wasn't always this way. It took people CHOOSING HEALTHIER FOOD options for the indsutry to take notice and supply the demand.

    So if you're one of those people who really wants to eat healthier but it seems like the odds are against you, remember with every dollar you spend you are casting your vote. The next time you're in the supermaket you can send a message to the food industry that REAL FOOD IS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. Then watch and see how the industry changes.

    Stay Well & ROCK THE VOTE!!! 


    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Tis' the Season to STAY BALANCED!

    Autumn is in full swing and the signs are everywhere that winter is fast approaching!! Halloween for most people marks the start of the holidays and all that it entails. With that said, many of us fall into patterns of excess. Excessive EATING being at the top of that list! On this journey to health and wellness, now is NOT the time to fall off the wagon and spend the next six months trying to slim down for summer! (You know how we do ladies, lol :-))

    So by now I'm sure you're thinking, "Great! So what do I do about all this extra candy I'm stuck with, UGH!?!" LOL...

    Not to worry...Here's a method I use that works well for me. From now until January 1, nothing changes about my diet. On November 25th I eat whatever I want (of course not gorging myself either). Likewise on December 25th & December 31st/Jan. 1st, I eat whatever I want. All the other days I have to eat clean. I refuse to sabotage all the hard work I put in. (I mean I'm still trying to lose this baby wieght people, lol) Now, do I have slip ups? Sure sometimes. However, when you go into this season with realistic goals, determination and God's help, you'll be surprised what you're capable of!


    Stay Well
